Oxidizing cream 30 Vol, 75 ml

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LAUREATE oxidizing cream has a specific emulsion formula that promotes emollient action. It guarantees maximum action while protecting the hair structure during the chemical coloring / bleaching process. The composition of this emulsion maintains its quality over a long period of time and its perfect stability guarantees the optimum amount of necessary actifs for hair coloring / bleaching.

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LAUREATE oxidizing cream is a white color emulsion, used to color or bleach hair. It’s available at different volumes : 10 Vol (3%), 20 Vol (6%), 30 Vol (9%), 40 (12%).

How to use 

Choose the volume according to the desired result then, mix the oxidizing cream in a non metalic bowl with hair coloring/bleaching LAUREATE products as required. Apply the mixing on dry unwashed hair, leave it for a specified time then rinse off.


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